2. Ditch Zoom Call Burnout with 3 Key Strategies in Your Group Coaching Program
Zoom call burnout in group coaching programs is all too common, leaving coaches feeling drained and unmotivated to continue delivering their signature offers. If you’ve ever dreaded a day packed with back-to-back Zoom calls, wished your clients would take more initiative, or struggled with the same repetitive questions call after call, this episode is for you.
Nicole Lehman, an ex-teacher turned online course strategist, dives deep into the heart of Zoom fatigue and offers three practical, educational design strategies to transform your coaching calls. Discover how to pinpoint the foundational concepts your clients need to master independently, shift from handholding to empowering, and create a structured flow that maximizes your time and impact.
If you’re ready to reclaim your enthusiasm for coaching, ditch the overwhelm, and elevate your program to new heights, tune in. Whether you run a membership site, group program, or mastermind, these strategies will give you the clarity and confidence to deliver transformative results—without sacrificing your own well-being.
Say goodbye to Zoom fatigue and hello to a thriving, sustainable coaching business.
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